Sunday, September 14, 2008

Drink Safe - The Dangers Of Plastic For Your Family

My kids don't drink enough water. They'll do milk and juice, but water has never been their beverage of choice. In an effort to put more water in their diets, I started sending them to school with water bottles. I noticed right away that they were quite thirsty for cold water after school. I started putting the water bottles, half-filled, in the freezer the night before school and sending them with the kids the next morning. They loved the ice cold water! I was ecstatic to have found a way to add water to their diets. Then came the news, new to me, that using and/or re-using polycarbonate plastic water bottles (including Nalgene and Lexan) was not safe. Apparently, the toxins (especially Bisphenol A or BSP) from the polycarbonate plastic were leaching into the beverage. The amount of leaching was increased with re-use of the plastic, if the plastics were washed in hot water, such as in the dishwasher, and if they were cleaned with harsh cleaners. BPA, in large amounts, is said to have caused birth defects and miscarriage in mice. It may also disrupt prostate and breast tissue development in children, may cause tumors and may effect sperm count. It may also be linked to the creation and enlargement of fat cells. So began my journey to find a safe alternative for my kids. First, I began searching for safe containers for the kids. It seemed that stainless steel was the product of choice, but the cost is quite high for young kids that may not treat them well or keep track of them. Don't get me wrong... their safety is of utmost importance. But I couldn't find the reasoning in buying a $20 stainless bottle that is likely to end up in the lost and found at school. The next safe alternative would be glass, but just the thought of putting a glass bottle in my son's backpack makes me cringe. I had to find out if there was a safe plastic alternative, so my google search went on... What did I learn? Fortunately, there are some plastics that do not use BPA and are safe to use. There are others that should be used with caution and some you should completely avoid. How to tell which is which? The recycle number on the bottom of the bottle is your first clue, if there is one. For instance, on the bottom of the water bottle I was giving my son, the number inside the recycle symbol is a #1. This is the type of plastic that should be used with caution and is not meant for re-use, as the toxins from the plastic leach out more over time. The safest, re-usable and recyclable plastic is one marked as #2 HDPE (High Density Polythylene). This type of plastic is commonly whitish in color and used in bottles for milk, water, juice, detergent, shampoo, etc. The safest, re-usable but not recyclable plastics are marked as #4 LDPE (Low Density Polythylene) and #5 PP (Polypropylene). For a quick reference guide of plastics, check out " []Safe Use Plastics Quick Guide" from Quick Tips for Toting Water Stainless steel, both inside and out, with no epoxy finish, are the safest alternative Glass bottles are also safe, but are very fragile. Use plastics #2, 4 & 5 safely. Use #1 sparingly. Wash bottles with warm water and mild detergent. Do not wash in the dishwasher. Do not re-use #1 bottles and stop re-using other plastic bottles once they appear worn and/or discolored. Bottles leach more with age. Avoid subjecting plastics to high temperatures, which increases leaching. Elizabeth Smith is the owner of []Advanced Web Management, an online web program management business. Liz manages several popular websites, such as and In her spare time, Liz also enjoys freelance writing on a variety of topics, her favorite being anything pertaining to the Great Outdoors!

And here's another interesting article on the dangers of plastics:

NaturalNews) If you live in the U.S. and eat any packaged foods at all, you are probably also consuming the chemical bisphenol A, or BPA. Now, for the first time, scientists have made a startling discovery about the chemical that could help explain the epidemic of heart disease and diabetes in this country.

Previous studies have found BPA causes precancerous conditions, kidney and developmental problems in animals. But new research, published in the September 17th edition of the 
Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), shows that humans could be walking time bombs of health problems due to "normal" exposures to BPA.

British researcher David Melzer, M.B., Ph.D., of Peninsula Medical School in Exeter, and colleagues measured the BPA found in the urine of 1,455 adults between the ages of 18 and 74 years, using data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) which was gathered in 2003 and 2004. Then they looked at the 
health status of these people whom the scientists note in the JAMA report are "representative of the adult U.S. population".

The results? Dr. Melzer and his team found that average BPA concentrations, adjusted for age and sex, were higher in those diagnosed with cardiovascular diseases and 
diabetes. In fact, even a slightly raised BPA concentration was associated with a 39 percent increased risk of havingcardiovascular disease (angina, coronary heart disease, or heart attack combined) and diabetes.

Those with the highest BPA concentration had nearly three times the odds of heart disease and 2.4 times the risk of diabetes when compared with those with the lowest levels. What's more, higher levels of BPA concentrations were also associated with abnormally elevated levels of three liver enzymes.

"These findings add to the evidence suggesting adverse effects of low-dose BPA in animals. Independent replication and follow-up studies are needed to confirm these findings and to provide evidence on whether the associations are causal," the authors said in a statement to the media. "Given the substantial negative effects on adult health that may be associated with increased BPA concentrations and also given the potential for reducing human exposure, our findings deserve scientific follow-up."

But is it too little too late? And is anyone in Washington going to listen? They certainly haven't in the past.

There was concern earlier this year that huge numbers of children were being exposed to BPA because it is known to leach out of hard polycarbonate 
plastics that are used widely in baby bottles, sippy cups and water bottles. The Department of Health and Human Services' National Toxicology Program released a report on the safety of the chemical and warned BPA could cause health and developmental problems.
"Because these effects in animals occur at 
bisphenol A exposure levels similar to those experienced by humans, the possibility that bisphenol A may alter human development cannot be dismissed," the report concluded.

Predictably, this and other warnings about BPA, have been hotly contested by plastic industry leaders. "Much like the pharmaceutical industry, the plastics industry wants consumers to believe their 
chemicals are so safe that babies can drink them with impunity," says Mike Adams, a consumer health advocate and editor of "This flies in the face of common sense, and this new research is demonstrating why we need to be so vigilant about protecting ourselves and our children from plastic packaging."

Last spring, consumers bombarded the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) with demands to know if BPA-containing baby and 
food products are safe. The government agency claimed to have investigated the matter. But, despite dozens of animal studies showing the chemical is a danger to health, the FDA ruled in August there was insufficient evidence to support banning BPA from baby and food products.

However, a new FDA hearing is set to start today, September 16, in Rockville, Maryland, to discuss the BPA issue once again. In fact, 
JAMA issued a press release saying the prestigious medical journal is releasing the findings of the new human study a day early to coincide with the FDA hearing.

Clearly, mainstream medicine is now recognizing that the chemical contaminant is a real health concern.

In the 
JAMA editorial that accompanies the new BPA study, Frederick S. von Saal, Ph.D., of the University of Missouri, Columbia, and John Peterson Myers, Ph.D., of Environmental Health Sciences, Charlottesville, Va., point out that BPA production has reached about 7 billion pounds per year and the chemical has caused massive planetary contamination. Why? Consider the fact that products containing BPA, like microwavable food containers, often end up in landfills and dumped into water ecosystem. Already, Canada has declared the chemical to be a major worldwide pollutant.

"The good news is that government action to reduce exposures may offer an effective intervention for improving health and reducing the burden of some of the most consequential human health problems. Thus, even while awaiting confirmation of the findings of Lang et al, decreasing exposure to BPA and developing alternatives to its use are the logical next steps to minimize risk to public health," Dr. von Saal and Dr. Myers state in the editorial.

Considering U.S. citizens have been waiting for years for the government to even acknowledge that BPA is a health hazard, it makes little sense to rely on the FDA to to protect us from the chemical. Instead, there are ways to take control of your and your family's exposure to BPA.

Avoid baby formula as much as possible.

According to the Environmental Working Group (EWG) ( , a non-profit organization comprised of scientists, engineers, policy experts, lawyers and computer programmers who have been in the forefront of pointing out the potential health and environmental hazards of BPA, all U.S. manufacturers of formula use a BPA containing lining on the metal part of their containers. Opt for breastfeeding exclusively if possible, or use a dry formula that is mixed with filtered water.

Eat fresh, not canned, food.

The EWG has found that food and drink cans are lined with BPA-laden plastic. Canned soups and spaghettis have the highest levels.

Pay attention to the kind of plastics you use for food and drink.

The plastics that have the most BPA are those made of polycarbonate plastic -- they are usually rigid and transparent and used for toddler cups, baby bottles, food storage containers and water bottles. They are frequently marked on the bottom with the letters "PC" and the 
recycling number 7. Plastics with the recycling numbers 1, 2 and 4 on the bottom are better choices.

Choose safe bottles.

Using glass baby bottles is best. Metal water bottles may not be free from BPA because many are lined with a plastic coating that contains the chemical. The EWG advises using stainless steel bottles that don't have a plastic liner.

Don't use plastic containers to heat food in microwaves.

Ceramic and glass are safe alternatives.

However, avoiding BPA doesn't automatically protect your health. In fact, consumer health advocate 
Mike Adamssays the attention to the plastics issue could be seen as a distraction from the larger problem -- the danger that is often inside the BPA-laden containers. "For example, right now some of the top infant formula products sold in the United States are contaminated with hexane residues, and many infant products are made with as much as 50 percent refined sugars and corn syrup solids. Parents need to pay as much attention to what's inside the bottle as they do the bottle itself."


Sherry Baker is a widely published writer whose work has appeared in Newsweek, Health, the Atlanta Journal and Constitution, Yoga Journal, Optometry, Atlanta, Arthritis Today, Natural Healing Newsletter, OMNI, UCLA's "Healthy Years" newsletter, Mount Sinai School of Medicine's "Focus on Health Aging" newsletter, the Cleveland Clinic's "Men's Health Advisor" newsletter and many others.