Friday, September 5, 2008
Ten Essential Virtues

"The Content Of Our Character: Ten Essential Virtues. "It is not the brains that matter most, but that which guides them - the character, the heart, generous qualities ..." (Dostoyevsky)
What is the content of good character? Broadly speaking, the content of good character is virtue.
Virtues, such as justice and kindness, are habits, dispositions to behave in a morally good way. They are objectively good human qualities, good for us whether we know it or not.
the Essential Virtues: Which virtues are most important for strong character? Here are ten that are recognized and taught by nearly all philosophical, religious and cultural traditions.
1. WISDOM is good judgement.
2. JUSTICE means respecting the rights of all persons (I'd like to add - living things)
3. FORTITUDE enables us to do what is right in the face of difficulty
4. SELF-CONTROL is the ability to govern ourselves
5. LOVE is the willingness to sacrifice for the sake of another
6. POSITIVE ATTITUDE - the character strengths of hope,enthusiasm, flexibility and a sense of humor are all part of a positive attitude.
7. HARD WORK includes the virtues of initiative, diligence, goal-setting and resourcefulness.
8. INTEGRITY is adhering to moral principle, being faithful to moral conscience, keeping our work and standing up for what we believe
9. GRATITUDE reminds us that we all drink from wells we did not dig
10. HUMILITY makes us aware of our imperfections and leads us to try to become a better person.
The life of virtue is obviously difficult. all of us, adults as well as children, fall sort inthe practice of these ten virtues. A decision to work seriously on even one virtue will be likely to pull all the other virtues up."
Source: Parenting Tips