Friday, September 19, 2008
Your Best Day Ever!

I just received an email from the Mind
Movies team.
It's about something absolutely essential to living
the good life you and your family deserve, and being
fully alive to all of your potential.
If you're in a hurry to find out what it is, jump on it here:
You'll see what happens when...
Bionic Burgers Meets Mind Movies
There's a wild-haired man by the name of David Wolfe who
is a best selling author, and a world famous expert on
the importance of quality food and nutrition.
Maybe you've seen on the Internet or TV about
his world famous bionic burger video? It's a real eye-opener.
This man is truly amazing. You'll see what I mean when you watch
the video.
It seems after David used Mind Movies himself, it became
almost a mission for him to create a special gift to add an
essential dimension to your Mind Movie.
Once you see David in action, you'll probably understand
he is VERY difficult ignore! He's one of the most
passionate and committed raw people you'll ever meet.
What David has done is create a way to...
Manifest Optimum Health And Nutrition
With The Power Of Mind Movies
The result is nothing short of phenomenal.
David approaches the topic of food and nutrition
as an essential ingredient to EVERYTHING else in your life.
It just makes sense to fuel your family's machine with the highest
quality fuel, for maximum performance.
He explains it all beautifully in this video...
When you put his powerful message to work with
a personalized Mind Movie? You've got...
The Perfect Recipe for Success!
WATCH this video!
If you have even the tiniest thought that your life would be
so much better in so many ways, if you just took better care
of yourself--you really owe it to yourself to meet
David right now...
More than food for thought, this is food for your SOUL!
xx Eve
P.S. David's Wolfe's gift to you is valued at 500 hundred
dollars all by itself! You seriously need to grab this
while you can because they are only giving all of this
away for a few more days during launch week.
Take control of your family's life, health AND future
right now.