Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Save Money: Grow Your Own Organic Food

Eating organic food has become one of latest important diet in the food industry. The very key reason is that not only organically grown fruits and vegetables taste better, it definitely contain more nutrients given and they have less harmful chemicals. However, organic food is often relatively more expensive than conventional food.
Although we might think food with thicker skin such as pumpkin would prevent harmful chemicals from penetrating into the core, but what about those food such as bell peppers, apple, kiwi who are more susceptible to chemical exposure?
That's why, there is a growing trend to grow your very own organic garden.
You don't need an open land to grow your own food. You can always start a with a small area in your garden or even in containers and grow a few easily grown organic food.
To start something easy, there are some basic tips you can try out and develop from there.
1. Look around the garden or around your living area and evaluate how much space you can start your organic gardening. 2. Take note that you need time to maintain your garden very regularly. Hence, the space you would be allocating would also tie to your amount of time spent.3. The area should have a good exposure to sunlight for at least 5 to 6 hours. This help to maximize a healthy grow.
4. The area or containers should also provide a good level of drainage system to keep the soil just the right moisture.
5. Soil should be sufficiently dug. Next, add compost. You can make your own compost or you can get them from organic shops. We don't want any compost that has already been contaminated with harmful chemicals.
6. Decide what to grow requires a bit of planning. Write down a list of vegetables you would like to grow. Some are easy and some requires a bit more attention. You can buy seeds from organic shops as well. One tip is to buy seeds in season.
7. You can make your own compost if your garden has sufficient space or you can buy the compost from organic shop.
8. On the soil bed, dug hole that is deep enough, fill in your plant and cover with soil. Add a bit of pressure and keep water level at consistent moist but not too wet.
9. Ensure your garden is covered with a layer of organic mulch to keep weeds away and maintain soil moisture.
At your very first harvest, you will feel proud of your achievement of a chemical free vegetable garden.
To find out how to create your own organic vegetable garden, visit Kelly Monroe is the owner of For further recommended resources on how to start an organic garden. Grab a copy of your free newsletter. |