Saturday, January 10, 2009
Raw Foods for Real Families

This newly released eBook is a compilation of delicious recipes by members of the new,
ground-breaking Raw Vegan Village, in Ojai, California. Below, Jinjee Talifero introduces the eBook:
"I am so excited about this eBook because it is filled with gorgeousness! Gorgeous recipes and gorgeous photos of our gorgeous raw village members and their gorgeous food! I am also excited because it introduces you to the core group members of our village - with a story from each one about how they came to raw foods. Some stories will make you laugh, some will make you cry, some may seem familiar to your own story.
I am also excited because this is our first project together - besides buying the land and having our first meeting last September. - This is our first work together that is going out in to the world! In the introduction we talk about why this village is so special and what we hope to accomplish!
But mostly, I am excited to share with you recipes that are family favorites of 12 different raw vegan families! There are recipes here that you have never seen anything like (even waffles), recipes that are simply more delicious than average, and recipes that we hope will become your family's favorites too!
Thank you to Brandi Rollins, pictured in the bottom-right corner of the photo above, who spent hours and hours compiling and formatting this eBook into the beautiful product it is! She was also one of the group of women who came up with this concept at our first core group meeting.
To view a cliffnotes version of the cookbook for FREE, go to:
To purchase this eBook for $14.99 go to:
Order now, and enjoy new raw family favorites today!
Or, purchase all 15 of our raw food and health inspiration eBooks including the one above, for $39.95 (a $155 value)
Or for even greater savings, you can purchase our raw vegan extra-special, with all of our eBooks, online channel, online magazine, our raw family documentary DVD and raw recipes DVD, with the eBook above, for $89.95 (over $200 worth of raw vegan information products)
For more package deals see - Whenever you see 12 or more eBooks in a package, this new eBook and my 2 other most recent eBooks are now both included in those packages so you'll really be getting 15 eBooks!"
As Jinjee so beautifully signs off from her Daily Raw Inspiration emails,
In Joy!